Sunday, April 26, 2009

Goal Setting - The Most Effective Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

So you have a goal. Something important in your life that you want to accomplish, give up or acquire. Setting that goal without a framework for achieving it is almost certain to lead to frustration and failure. Although I am a believer in the power of positive thought, action and reaction are always required to make any inspired idea a reality.

Effective goal setting starts with clear identification of your objective - this should be something tangible and measurable. Don't just declare "I want to lose weight." Say instead, "I want to lose 10 pounds." Next, set a deadline. If you don't give yourself a time-limit for completion of the goal, it will always remain in the future. Now you have a goal that is both tangible and measurable, "I will lose 10 pounds by Memorial Day."

Next, map out your strategy for achieving the goal. What do you need to do? How many calories do you have to cut out or burn to lose 10 pounds? Do the math. Make a meal plan, set up an exercise schedule. Yes, this is work! Anything worth achieving is going to require effort.

Break it down, step-by-step, all of the steps that you will need to take to achieve your goal. Do you need to get advice from someone who has experience? Do you need to do some research? Take a class? Learn a new skill? Save or raise some money?

Set milestones so that you can track your progress. Set a date for achievement of each individual task on your list and celebrate your accomplishments. This will encourage you to continue on track and fuel your desire for success.

Now think about potential pitfalls. What are your weaknesses? Identify the roadblocks you might encounter and plan how you will react when faced with them. Write it down. If you have a plan, you are more likely to stick to your program. Roadblocks are a part of the process so think of them as opportunities to grow and learn, as you figure out ways to navigate around them.

Finally, enlist a support team. These might be other people with the same or similar goals. Perhaps it's your family and friends. Make sure that the people you choose are encouraging of your goals and will support your efforts even when it means change to your normal routine. State your goals out loud and share them with others - this action makes them real, imprints them in your consciousness and holds you accountable.

Try using affirmations to train your subconscious into seeing your goals as already achieved. The affirmations specific to your particular goals should be positive, in the present tense and specific. "I am celebrating my 10 lb. weight loss!"

Say these Affirmations for Success out loud every morning to start your day with a positive mind-set for achieving your goals:

  • There are no limitations - all things are possible.
  • I release all negative thoughts the moment that I recognize them.
  • All obstacles vanish from my path, as I now fulfill my destiny.
  • I give thanks for the never-ending supply of success, joy and abundance that flows to me.

Cathy McCann is a life and career coach for people wanting to get more out of their lives. A life coaching program can help you to see things in a new perspective, discover your life purpose, identify and define your goals, establish a systematic process for achievement of those goals, and provide support and encouragement. For more tools to help you live your best life or to subscribe to my newsletter, visit

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