Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rejection is an Illusion

Does rejection exist? There's no such thing as failure or rejection. Let me ask you when you wiped out on your bike, did you feel rejected? Did you take it personally? No! It was simply a result. And it was simply a result you didn't like. So, you got back on the bike and committed yourself to obtaining a better result. You weren't offended that the bike "rejected" you or you experience "failure". You didn't feel "bad" because it was an "experience" and you probably learned from that experience.

"Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it." - William James Duran

If someone "rejects" you, and it's seldom personal, just a person making a decision. It could even be a poor decision on their part. If you "fail," it's just a matter of not doing something the way you'd like or the way someone else might like. Most opinions - even your own - are subjective. So, don't let the opinions of others dictate how you think about yourself. Compare yourself only to yourself, and set goals for you and your own fulfillment, not to impress others.

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby

A man named Spencer Silver was working to create a super glue or adhesive. After many attempts Mr. Silver developed a new adhesive, but it was super weak instead of super strong. Many of us would have labeled this experience as a "failure" or "rejection" Mr. Silver classified it as a result and stored the data. Then one Sunday four years later, another scientist named Mr. Arthur Fry was singing in the church's choir. He used markers to keep his place in the hymnals, but they kept falling out of the book. Remembering Mr. Silver's, "result" Mr. Fry used some of the super weak adhesive to coat his markers. Success! With the weak adhesive, the markers stayed in place, yet lifted off without damaging the pages. If Mr. Silver had thrown away his "failure" - Post It Notes would not be here today.

If you believe you've failed you may want to ask yourself some questions. What could I learn from this? How does this result help me? Remember each result is just another experience to learn and adjust bike path. If you don't like your results, change your approach and try for a different result. You might need to fine-tune your skills. Maybe you need to scoot your bike up to the curb when you climb on in order to prevent yourself from falling. Maybe what you need is some help, like a mentor or additional training. Maybe joining a professional organization will give you the contacts and information you need to take that step further. Explore, discover, and research! Find out what you need to do, and repeat, repeat, repeat!

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison

What is your definition for rejection? Most people define rejection as not obtaining my goal, examples: She turn me down for a date or He won't let me or something along those lines. But have you ever decided what your definition of rejection is or how did you develop your term for rejection?

Take a moment and define rejection in a way that supports your life and instantly your life will change. A student of mine, defined rejection has: "I need to start negotiating" could you guess he was in sales.

Once you have created your new definition practices, practices, practice, remember repetition is the mother of skill.

"Rejection or Failure are illusions the only true rejection or failure is not being allowed in heaven, if you don't believe me ask God yourself" - Bert J. Martinez

Bert J. Martinez

You Were Created to Succeed.

Born in Havana, Cuba, Bert Martinez started school in Spain, and went on to complete school in United States. As a young man he was amazed how some immigrants could a mass wealth or success so quickly while the majority struggle to survive. His curiosity has led to a life study of "Success" to determine what qualities successful people shared. Surprisingly, he found, age, gender, race, family history, education or the ability to speak English determined ones ability to be "Successful." Bert noticed one commonality; without fail, the successful managed their emotions differently. This discovery changed Bert's focus completely and he embarked on a life mission to help people Manage Their Emotions for Success and Fulfillment. His clients starting calling him "The Emotional Engineer" for his ability to wipe traumatic memories, fear, and even phobias in minutes. or

Learning Meditation Or Watching

How to Overcome a Lifetime of Conditioning

Are you currently in the habit of experiencing unwanted events in your life over and over again? When we experience unwanted events over and over in life we can feel like a victim of circumstance, becoming annoyed at the injustice of life.

Little do most realize that these seemingly random events or obstacles stem from a lifetime of conditioned beliefs. Beliefs that run on auto-pilot in the background of our lives, producing fear and doubt.

Fears that often get us stuck in a lifetime of trying to overcome obstacles, creating a victim mentality. When we experience the very obstacles we are trying to avoid, we use this as a justification for our fear in the first place, because a fearful mind looks for what is wrong.

Occasionally being stuck in a rut is natural but there has to be a point when enough is enough. If you've been doing a lot of talking, it's time to start the action part. Become active in your vision of a better life.

So how do you overcome a lifetime of conditioning?

First and foremost we need to question the validity of our fears. Stop and look for what is right about the situation, instead of wrong. There is a definite need to move from focus on the unwanted events to finding and making the solution our focal point.

Next, it's time to replace old beliefs and create real change. The best way to surrender the comfort of a lifetime of old fearful conditioned beliefs is to establish a new trust; a trust in yourself to create and direct pleasant events and solutions into your life. The same trust and confidence that you have, that your name is --, that you weigh --, that your height is --, and that you live at --.

So how do you create trust and confidence?

We will use this 100 percent surety that you are who you believe you are and sit in front of a large mirror.

In front of your mirror repeat each of these statements 3 times:

I am (insert your name) and I love myself.
I am God and I love myself.
I and God are one and I love myself.
All is well and I am safe.

It does not matter whether you laugh or cry, just develop this into a habit. Surrender to the good that is inside you. Habitually expecting trust and confidence in the goodness of life produces trust and confidence in the goodness of life. Any chronic negative beliefs stem from a lifetime of belief in fear or lack thereby creating unwanted events and obstacles over and over again, which only offer solidifying reinforcement in the original belief.

Does this mean that nothing unpleasant will ever happen?

Of course not, it means that nothing happens to make us feel afraid.

We come to see the validity in creating good feeling and beliefs for ourselves.

James Allen may have said it best, "People are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves. They therefore remain bound."

Become part of something that is sweeping the world with inspiration. You will find a wealth of spectacular material including free affirmations, beneficial worksheets and other useful tools for your enjoyment at

Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships, motivating and inspiring others to rebuild from the inside-out.

You can post this article on your web site or blog as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the links to our site URLs remains active.

Living Your Religion One Day A W

You Need to Be Able to Help Yourself , before Helping Others

Make Sure You're in the Right State of Mind before You Start to Help Other People, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place to develop some life changing skills .

Life Lessons About Paying Rent
Awfulizing Creates Negativity

Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say!

"If you can't be direct, why be?" - Lily Tomlin

When I read this quote, I immediately thought of all the women I coach. I'm constantly saying, "Quit beating around the bush trying to be a nice girl. If you want to be heard, you have to "say what you mean and mean what you say." Then low and behold, I saw this little nugget of wisdom, from Lily Tomlin no less, one of the greatest women comediennes of our time. She really must be into liberating women from the old stereotypical molds if she writes statements like this!

Beating around the bush and never coming straight out and asking for what you want only serves one purpose - it flushes out any stray animals that might be lurking in that certain piece of shrubbery! I know I've said it often enough, but it bears repeating. "Say what you mean, and mean what you say."

There are at least two current generations of us women who have been trained in the art of sugar coating and what I like to call verbal dancing. We 'dance' around the subject we most want to discuss, thinking that the other person will get what we are alluding to and eventually we will get what we want. NOT! The only thing you get from a conversation like that is frustration. It doesn't matter that the other person might be our partner or business associate; we still camouflage our words with honey so they can slide into the ears of the listener more easily. Heaven forbid we rock the status quo by actually saying what we REALLY want to! After all, how could we survive should that other person not like us after they find out what we REALLY think? Here's a better question for you. How's that sugar coating working for you?

Listen up ladies because I've got something to say to you here! Every time you sugar coat or dance around an issue, you diminish your capacity and self worth. You give away your power, your integrity, and your dignity. And most of all, you wind up being frustrated, resentful, and resigned because you're not getting what you want. You don't have to be and act like the 'good ole boys' to get where you want to go. You can be yourself. Be the feminine woman that you are, be direct, and be taken seriously when you say what you mean and mean what you say.

I have another newsflash for you ladies! This is 2008, not 1898! Our role in society has changed from being that subservient, co-dependent, clinging vine that our mothers and grandmothers were expected to be. It is time for us to claim our birthright - to one of being an empowered woman, stand in our dignity, own our power, and have our opinions matter. Instead of being filled with anger and resentment because we feel we haven't gotten our fair shake in the world, why not stand up and stake our own claim to greatness? And I'm not just talking about becoming the President or CEO of a huge corporation here. I'm talking about standing up and 'being' important in our own lives - of mattering to ourselves!

It is up to us to make the choice to quit spinning our words out of fear of repercussion, to calmly and clearly stating our wants and desires without fear of rejection from others. I know it can be done. I learned how to be direct and say what I mean, and so can you.

This week, I want you to ask yourself these 2 questions:

1. What is the price I pay for sugar coating my conversations?

2. Is that how I really want to spend the rest of my life?

Simply being you may not always be the easiest road to travel, but it is whole lot less exhausting!

Sign up to receive my FREE Report, '50 Ways to Take Back Your Power Right NOW', my FREE ezine 'Monday Morning Coffee with Cookie', at all brought to you by Cookie Tuminello, Your Personal Power Mentor! Visit People Pleaser No More today to get your copy and check out my "People Pleaser No More" program.

Guilt Feeding On Your Conscience

Don't Buy Another Self-Help Book - They Don't Work!

Life is always going to present challenges to us and, yes, it's how we handle these bumps in the road that create our future. Diet, exercise, weight control, creating a career path, dealing with relationships, divorce, parenting issues, retirement and lifestyle transitions are some of the things that will most likely test us along the way. Well, it's about time someone told you, most of the time, self-help books don't work! Truthfully, dealing with life is twofold: the knowledge of "how" is everywhere; the hard part is taking the steps to change. Here's some of the knowledge - you decide what to do next.

1.) you are great, you have a reason for being here and you have family and friends who love and care about you; stay connected with all of the people and activities that are positive for you, that give you purpose

2.) life is about setting goals and making decisions; it's not about the end result, it's about the journey; what are the things in your life that you would like to be different and what can you do about them

3.) what and who will help you stay focused

4.) acknowledge your successes, even if they are small steps; any positive move is worth celebrating

5.) regularly create memories and have lots of fun; balance with everything in your life is needed to achieve true success with your goals

6.) you will always have times in your life that are confusing, anxiety ridden, stressful - this is how you handle them:

Dealing with Life in a nutshell!

+ staying in the game - it's about trying whatever ideas and opportunities come your way; life is a lesson, there are no mistakes, most directions can be changed, beating yourself up about the past is self-defeating, being proactive for yourself is the quickest way to find solutions and success

+ taking care of yourself - take your vitamins & medication, eat healthy meals, drink water, get plenty of rest, and keep your environment orderly

+ have faith in something - find, explore and educate yourself about your faith; religious faith, faith in relationships, faith in the cosmos, whatever grounds you to the universe and keeps life in perspective - it's not just about you!!

Do something regularly that reminds you of your faith -reading the Bible, praying, talking to your children and continuing to read and think on a "global" level!

+ ask for help when you need it - you would want the people you care about to feel like they could come to you when they needed help, so you are doing a disservice to those who love and care about you to not allow them the opportunity to help you

+ giving to others - you will be rewarded two fold for staying regularly involved in giving to others; those in pain, those in need, those who are less fortunate than you, those who just need a friend or someone to listen to them; this will keep you connected to the world around you and keep you from thinking about yourself too much Now, think about the things in your life that you would like to change. Make a list, if that would help, start with one thing and do it. If you are having trouble, call a Coach!!

Carolyn Bates is an ICF Certified Personal Life Coach

Specializing in successful life transitions and retirement for people 50 and older

Visit her website at

Sign up for her popular newsletter:

Your first consultation is always complimentary 830-598-8961

Putting God On Trial

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Setting Goals That You Can Achieve!

We often hear the old saying that Failing to Plan is planning to Fail. Planning is indeed critical if we are to achieve what we truly want in our lives. For me there are a number of stages to creating a Plan:

The Vision

What I quite often refer to as the "Mountain Top View." Imagine that you are stood on top of a mountain and as you look around you everything you want in your life, in say five years time, is in place. Five years is probably as far as you should go and more often people feel more comfortable thinking about three years in the future. So as you look around you what do you see? Now don't go putting barriers in the way because remember you have achieved what you wanted to achieve, you have climbed the mountain! Everything from where you are stood now is what you wanted to be able to see.

Now for me in five years time we will have stopped working in someone else's box/business. We will instead be working in our own business, which will be based online, but have lots of real contact with people. We will be earning sufficient to maintain our lifestyle living in a wing of a large old Country House (of which there is a picture sat beside my computer monitor.) We will also be earning sufficient to keep us in the style we want to live long into the future when we move to live in Italy.

When I have worked with others in the past and when you are doing this part for yourself you should be able to say what colour Front Door your house or apartment will have etc in other words really paint the picture that you can see from the top of the mountain.

Boulder Avoidance.

This is where you look back down the mountain and try to spot the boulders you have overcome on your way to the top of the mountain. What were they? Were there some big boulders and some little ones? Make sure that you have a clear view of the things that tried to stop you getting to the top of the mountain so that when you sit down and work out your objectives over the medium and short term you know what you have got to overcome.

Now to give you an example probably the biggest boulder in our way at the moment is generating the income from our online activities and knowing which of the activities will generate what we need and which will not contribute to what we want to achieve. So here we are starting to think about where we need to focus our activities and are asking questions. Are there online activities which are taking up a large percentage of our time but contributing little to what we want to achieve?

It may be that there are some that you want to continue to take up a large amount of time without them contributing. However, you need to consciously be aware of that rather than bemoaning the fact that you are not achieving what you say you want to. If you are serious about running an online business and want to move full time online your mindset needs to change from "hobby" to "business".

Now I will turn to the specifics of creating your Plan. The two elements I have mentioned so far are the parts which people normally miss out. However, they are critical if the detailed part of your planning is to have a context and an aim.

Detailed Planning

In terms of the detail of the Plan you create it needs to have a focus on the Vision and be constructed in the Long Term (9 months plus), Medium Term (1 to 3 months) and the Short Term ( the next month).
You need to have a very clear focus on what you want to achieve in those time frames. In order to do that I work with SMART Objectives:

Specific - what exactly do I want to achieve?

Measurable - what numbers or other measurable element do I want?

Achievable - is what I am proposing achievable? Relevant - is what I am proposing to do relevant to enabling me to achieve my Vision?

Time bound - so I will achieve by xx/xx/06

SMART has always worked for me and if you combine it with PDR (Plan, Do and then Review) it's a surefire way of focusing you on what you need to achieve.

I will finish by simply saying that you should always keep asking yourself "have I done today what I planned to do and has it contributed to achieving my Vision?"

Paul Duxbury is a successful online entrepreneur with many successful websites. Some of the latest to launch include and

Is King Solomon Going To Heaven

Create Your Day - Video

Watch and Learn

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Accomplishing Your Goals
Overcoming Limited Beliefs

Replace Stinking Thinking With Accurate Thinking

The term Accurate Thinking is popping up in more and more places these days. What is Accurate Thinking? Knowing the world just is, events simply are, and what happens just happens. Those concepts constitute Accurate Thinking.

People assign meaning to events, often creating Stinking Thinking. Stinking Thinking kinds of thoughts cause you to feel hurt, sad, angry etc. Such thoughts lead to judgments about how something is, and how it should be, according to you.

When something in your life goes differently from how you expected, you have two choices. You can interpret the result as being good (or bad) OR you can simply recognize that the event just went the way the event went.

Accurate Thinking entails knowing you control how your world flows or ripples. You alone place obstacles, and you alone burst through obstacles, once you see how you created them in the first place with the stories spoken in your mind. Life comes down to the choices you make in each instance.

How do you find possible choices? Ask questions. You got to ask questions. The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself.

Start by asking what you were thinking when you had certain feelings or emotions. Notice the thoughts that were present for you during specific emotional experiences and you will uncover hidden information about how to alter your reality around those types of situations.

Replace old choices and old actions with new thoughts and new actions, with actions that allow you to feel differently--happier and healthier. The more you repeat your new behaviors, the sooner your new habits will form. For most people new behaviors become automatic in 21-28 days.

Remember what you think about yourself determines your self esteem and dictates the limits you impose on yourself. Want to change your self esteem? Live consciously. Catch yourself feeling down. Ask yourself what thoughts had you in such a mood. Then think happier thoughts--and automatically flip the switch to a happier way of being.

Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Creating change takes replacing the disempowering programs in your subconscious mind with new, healthier programs, for full and optimal functioning.

Nothing can stop you when you choose to be someone who does things you've never done. Discover how to stay on track so you don't derail yourself in Ali Bierman's free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know. Grab your free copy now at

Is Money A Big Part Of Organized

The Plain Truth about Easter

Like dumb sheep to the slaughter, most of mankind continues to blindly follow pagan traditions, rather than obey God's clear commands (Mark 7:7). Has it ever occurred to those stuffing their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James or John ever ate forbidden foods. They wouldn't feel too comfortable at plenty of people's dinner tables.

Even the early Gentile converts to Jewish Christianity respected the biblical dietary laws (Acts 15:20), understanding that not all foods are sanctioned by the Creator in the Holy Scriptures (I Timothy 4:5).

When John the Baptist recognized Jesus as our Passover sacrifice, he declared: "Behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29). He didn't say, "Here comes the Easter Bunny!" Again, like the Easter ham, the Easter rabbit is also rejected in the Bible as an abomination (Leviticus 11:6-7).

The very name of Easter exposes itself as a heathen festival, although it's cloaked as "Christian." Easter/Ishtar/Astarte is the Babylonian spring goddess our British-Israelite forefathers foolishly worshipped. Hence the fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs.

God isn't fooled by such baptized paganism, such whitewashed heathen customs (Deuteronomy 12:30). He commands us to commemorate Jesus' death every Passover and recognize His atoning work of redemption as our resurrected High Priest in Heaven, unleavening our lives of sin (I Corinthians 5:7-8).

The early Church followed Jesus' Jewish example for several hundred years until Gentile opposition (from false converts) threatened them with a death sentence if they didn't bow before Easter observances (the Quarto-Deciman controversy)!

A growing number now know, understand and believe the biblical account that we're to observe Passover and that Jesus was resurrected before sunrise Sunday, "when it was yet dark" (John 10:1). Others prefer to reject this light of understanding to remain in their traditional darkness and die in their sins (John 3:19)-- it's that serious! Because if our nations don't repent of such idolatry and immorality we'll soon suffer national destruction, defeat and deportation! That's why this article of faith is part of our plea to diehard Catholics and Protestants to repent.

Thankfully, every generation has those chosen few who are willing to reject holidays for holy days and "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered" (Jude 3). Hopefully, this plain truth about Easter will cause you to question your beliefs and provide some "kosher" food for thought!

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.

Council Of Nicaea Conclusion

Change, Happiness, Success And Our Core Values

The saying that "change is the only constant thing in this world" holds profound meaning in every sense of the word. Backed by this universal truth is also the dictum that there is no such thing as 'forever'. However, amidst all these acclaimed universal truths, there are things in this world that stay eternal: One of them our set of core values the fundamentals that enable us to find happiness and success in our lives.

In his # 1 National Bestseller book that sold over 10 million copies, author Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1990 ed.) illustrates his own personal experience on change. As a parent, he claims that to change a situation, we first have to change ourselves, and to change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perceptions. However, Dr. Phil argues that it's more complicated than that. Illustrated in his book Life Strategies - Stop Making Excuses! Do What Works, Do What Matters (1999 ed.), he firmly wants to instill in our minds the glaring truth about change that we can not change what we do not acknowledge. In similar fashion, I totally agree on his argument. It's like saying that the hardest thing to open in this world is a closed mind - therefore making change difficult to occur.

There are some people who have a mindset to make some changes in their lives and choose to be happy. Even the great Chinese philosopher Confucius would agree in his belief that "man must be wise and unafraid to live a happy life" - a philosophy similarly shared by his contemporary, Mencius where he enumerates three mature virtues of his 'great man' as wisdom, compassion and courage deliberated in Lin Yutang's book, The Importance of Living (1962 ed.) a must-to-read book for daily living.

Likewise, Stephen R. Covey focuses the "Character Ethic" as the foundation of success things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty and the Golden Rule.

In his book, he presented Benjamin Franklin's autobiography as the epitome of these values "a man's effort to integrate certain principles and habits deep within his nature", he explained. The Character Ethic, according to Covey teaches us that there are basic principles of effective living, and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.

In addition, Anthony Scire's dynamic and contemporary book The Power of 2 (2003 ed.) promotes building solid relationships over the long term and encouraging us to be "nice, kind and good" to everyone we know and meet. This highlights Henry James's core value of kindness:"Three things in human life are important", he said. "The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." In the same book, then eminent Bishop Fulton J. Sheen admonished us to also take control of our emotions so that we may live a successful and happy life. He said: "Each of us makes his own weather determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits."

Change therefore is inevitable in our lives. If - and when it comes, our core values should help us adapt to the consequences of change. Hence, as exemplified by great and wise men of past and present generations, our happiness and success depend upon our core values and attitudes.

Letty R. Vendramini

Your Voyage To Happiness Begins Here. Learn how you can find real happiness in your life and how to live it to the full. Abandon unhappiness and achieve true lasting happiness. Discover the "real you" and unleash the joy within.

Visit and receive Your FREE Happiness Report Worth $47 On How You Can Find True Lasting Happiness In Your Life. Click now to download. Alternatively Letty regularly writes articles on How To Sustain True, Lasting Happiness available to view at

Letty R. Stevens Vendramini acquired two degrees in Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph.B) Minor in English and Bachelor of Social Work (BSocWk). Letty teaches subjects in Philosophy, Psychology, Public Speaking, Argumentation and Debate, English Grammar and Composition, Research and Thesis Writing and Business Ethics. Letty is a part-time Private Practitioner in Social Work-Counseling. She is also a writer, a newspaper columnist/correspondent and an editor.

12 Apostles Of Jesus Christ

Friday, May 29, 2009

Having a Spiritual Hernia - Spiritual Education

I have read more information on spirituality, world religions, self-help, motivation and inspirational thinking than you could ever imagine. I probably have about 300 books and about a hundred audios that I could listen to on these subjects. But let's not forget that I have over 200 DVDs and VHS tapes also. Oh I forgot to mention that in October of 2007 my house burned down and along with it was what I would like to refer to it as my lifetime collection on these topics. If I had to value this collection, it would be almost $20,000 in materials.

Now the one thing that the fire provided me with, was a chance to start over and in less than a year of literary accumulation, I'm off to a good start. I have been studying over my lifetime with extreme persistence on how to better my life, which religion to follow and how to make more money.

If someone was to ask me, what I've learned and what books would I recommend, I've got quite a list. I built a website last year to support some of my favorite authors and to help others gather great materials for changing their life. Some of these books have given me what I would like to call a spiritual hernia. So much information and so little time to go through it.

I often ask myself, was this the best use of my time? Could I have done it another way? I really don't know, and I really don't know what will work exactly for you or your friends. I will give you some advice, meditation, contemplation, and meditation, seemed to be the key to a higher spiritual education. Whatever religion you belong to, whether it's Christianity, Hinduism or Islamic thinking, you can spend a little time with your self thinking about your religious choices, on a daily basis.

Simply sit quietly in a comfortable environment for 15 minutes each day. Try to relax, without falling asleep and clear your mind of any thoughts you have during this period. Try to do this every day and soon you will start to see things a little bit clearer. It seems like meditation strips off the layers of crap that are clouding our minds.

Start with 15 minutes and when you feel comfortable, try to extend the time. Some spiritual and inspirational experts, block out at least one hour each day to spend meditating, thinking about the day's events or just trying to get some creative insight for the next day.

I would also like to recommend, one of the best books that I have read on spirituality, laws of attraction and even meditation. The book is by Arnold Patent called "You Can Have It All." This book was also recommended by Oprah Winfrey and other motivational and spiritual authors.

Meditation can provide you with relaxation and creative insight for solving your problems or can be used, just to clear your mind for a while.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a motivation help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Smiles Are Free So Give Them Awa

Law of Attraction Self-Help - How to Create Powerful Visualizations

Have you heard of people who've changed their lives completely for the better using Law of Attraction self help? You can do this too, when you learn how to create powerful visualizations.

Start by deciding how you want your life to change.

1. Make Three Wishes

Once we reach adulthood, we stop using our imaginations. Can you remember the games you played as a child, and how much fun they were? When you use Law of Attraction self help, your aim is to get back to this happy, carefree state of mind.

Pretend you're in a fairy tale, and your fairy godmother has asked you to make three wishes - these wishes will all come true.

Write down your three wishes. Writing them down ensures that you remember what they are. Date the piece of paper, and put it somewhere safe.

2. Create Scenarios for Your Wishes

Next, create some scenarios for your wishes. A scenario is just an imaginative scene - a visualization. For example, let's say that one of your wishes was for a house with an ocean view, which is yours, and completely paid for.

Imagine the house on a huge movie screen, at least 30 feet long. See the house as clearly as you can. Move from room to room. See the garden. Then step into the scene, and enjoy your house.

Create at least one scenario for each of your three wishes.

3. How Do You Feel?

Your emotions power your visualization. Step back into your visualizations, and now take special note of how you feel. Are you happy? Excited? Relaxed? Remember how you felt in each visualization.

4. Day-Dreaming Each Morning and Evening

Next, spend a few minutes with your visualizations every morning, and evening - before you get out of bed in the morning, and just before you fall asleep are great times.

5. Releasing and Allowing

Keep enjoying your morning and evening visualizations, but release any attachment to how they will manifest. Let them go in your mind. They're your creations, and the universe will bring them to you - it's inevitable - but the "how" of manifestation isn't up to you.

Before you know it, the Law of Attraction self help will bring your three wishes to you. Here's the best part: you can make as many wishes as you please, so make three more.

Are you ready to change your life and use the law of attraction to create what you want? Start with Julia Denham's law of attraction reviews, and then visit her law of attraction blog at

A Road Full Of Boulders

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Plain Truth about Easter

Like dumb sheep to the slaughter, most of mankind continues to blindly follow pagan traditions, rather than obey God's clear commands (Mark 7:7). Has it ever occurred to those stuffing their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James or John ever ate forbidden foods. They wouldn't feel too comfortable at plenty of people's dinner tables.

Even the early Gentile converts to Jewish Christianity respected the biblical dietary laws (Acts 15:20), understanding that not all foods are sanctioned by the Creator in the Holy Scriptures (I Timothy 4:5).

When John the Baptist recognized Jesus as our Passover sacrifice, he declared: "Behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29). He didn't say, "Here comes the Easter Bunny!" Again, like the Easter ham, the Easter rabbit is also rejected in the Bible as an abomination (Leviticus 11:6-7).

The very name of Easter exposes itself as a heathen festival, although it's cloaked as "Christian." Easter/Ishtar/Astarte is the Babylonian spring goddess our British-Israelite forefathers foolishly worshipped. Hence the fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs.

God isn't fooled by such baptized paganism, such whitewashed heathen customs (Deuteronomy 12:30). He commands us to commemorate Jesus' death every Passover and recognize His atoning work of redemption as our resurrected High Priest in Heaven, unleavening our lives of sin (I Corinthians 5:7-8).

The early Church followed Jesus' Jewish example for several hundred years until Gentile opposition (from false converts) threatened them with a death sentence if they didn't bow before Easter observances (the Quarto-Deciman controversy)!

A growing number now know, understand and believe the biblical account that we're to observe Passover and that Jesus was resurrected before sunrise Sunday, "when it was yet dark" (John 10:1). Others prefer to reject this light of understanding to remain in their traditional darkness and die in their sins (John 3:19)-- it's that serious! Because if our nations don't repent of such idolatry and immorality we'll soon suffer national destruction, defeat and deportation! That's why this article of faith is part of our plea to diehard Catholics and Protestants to repent.

Thankfully, every generation has those chosen few who are willing to reject holidays for holy days and "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered" (Jude 3). Hopefully, this plain truth about Easter will cause you to question your beliefs and provide some "kosher" food for thought!

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.


Are You Mentally Constipated? Economic Stress Relief

This article was originally released in March of 2009. We seem to be at the end of a 20 month recession and most people are completely frazzled and seem to be at their wits end. It seems like everyone I talked to, whether it's at a restaurant, grocery store, gas station or work, are upset with the current economic conditions. When is it going to end?

So I'm asking you, quite frankly, are you one of the mentally constipated people? Is your mind so tired of being behind on your bills, worrying about your job and whether or not you're going to have it next week, are you one of those people who was about to retire until the stock market dropped and now you need to work a few more years.

When are things going to become better and how did they even get to this in the first place? Most of the average educated people with a pretty good heads on her shoulders can't answer this question. They have no idea why the economy does great some years and horrible during others.

I often wonder why economics isn't taught in school, something basic. I think it's because, the people who are in charge really don't want us to know what's going on and even though some of the extremely wealthy people have lost some of their money, they will probably make even more once this rebounds.

It's the people like me that I'm worried about, the average person, the person with the mortgage, car payment and utility bills that I'm talking about. These are the people that seem to be mentally constipated and tired of what's going on. These economic cycles seem to take their toll on us.

It said that God only hands out what he thinks you can handle. If this is true, I can't handle any more and I hope that he knows it. While we're waiting for things to get better, keep this in mind, this is the third major recession that I have been through in my lifetime and have survived through them, only by eating away at my life savings. Right as soon as I seem to be sitting pretty good and my bank accounts look nice, something like this comes along and like a giant vacuum starts sucking and cleaning out what I have worked so hard to save.

I, like most of us are tired and worn down, but not worn out. The stock market is starting to come back up and it looks like there's light at the end of the road. Hang in there and if you need to empty your mind and end the mental constipation, start reading a good motivational story. Something happy and positive. This could empty the reservoirs of your mental bowels and provide some relief during these tough economic times.

Another way to exercise the mental garbage is by journaling. Start writing and don't stop until it's out.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Buels Manual Of Self Help

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Changing Habits Can Change Your Life - Goal Setting

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Are you one of those skeptics that find these stories hard to believe. Do you think it's possible to create a life changing habit within 30 days? If you don't think it's possible, have you ever tried to change something about yourself you don't like.

If you haven't tried, how do you know it's impossible. If you have tried to create change in your life, did you quit, did you quit shortly after you started. This is often what most people do. They either quit before they start and never even get started, or they quit within a short period of time after they started. Usually these people have an excuse, most of the time their excuse is quite simply, it was harder than I thought.

Creating super habits in 30 days is possible and you don't have to be an over achiever to accomplish this goal. Creating these habits will require some effort on your part but the rewards most of the time are worth the effort.

I challenge you to change something about yourself you don't like within the next 30 days.

Go to the next step for more information.

Finding Something You Don't like about Yourself

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Qualities That You Need to Achieve Your Goals

We all have our own heroes; people that we admire, ones who achieved something significant despite all the odds stacked against them. For some reasons, we feel attracted to their lives, what they did exactly to achieve their goals, what kind of character they have, what is their driving force in life. We are attracted to all the articles about them, all the books written by them or about them in search of the answers.

If you are not a kind of person who reads everything about any celebrity you might be wondering why you are so attached to these people. People who are attracted to us or who we feel to be attracted to usually show us our own negative aspects that we need to get rid of or positive traits that we need to develop to realize our full potential.

You are attracted to particular people; you admire them because they possess the qualities you need to develop to be able to live the life of your dreams.

Write down the names of five to ten people you admire. What traits do they have that attract you?
Prepare a list of at least five traits for each of them. Do they have some traits in common? What are they? Write them down. These are the traits that you need to develop yourself.

Prepare a plan how you will show the new qualities in your daily life. What habits do you need to develop to support the new you? Reinforce these new habits daily. In about two months your new habits will become automatic and will steer your life into a new direction, direction of your dreams.

Do you need help to make your dreams come true? Visit for a free book and more details

Are you interested in natural health, weight loss, energy secrets? Visit for free reports and more details

Lynn Alex is a Life-Skills Coach, Yoga Teacher and an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

Studying On Faith Alone

Questions to Ask an Atheist - Religious Beliefs

If you have a friend or know someone that is an atheist or a nonbeliever in God, I would suggest that you e-mail this article to them. When I say the word God, I don't mean the Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim God or gods. I would be referring to a universal spirit or entity and maybe this entity could be in each and every one of us. Not some supreme commander who rules the universe with a sword and sacks of gold.

I want you to ask yourself one question, can you sensibly explain how the universe was created? If you can, I would love to hear from you. Does it make sense to you that, plants grow effortlessly in the soil, some with very little water and nutrients? When a child is born, how does it know how to eat and the same question could be applied to animals, fish and birds?

Does it really make sense that we evolved from nothing?

Where did we come from and where do you think we are going?

How do our bodies know when to breath? What is it that regulates our heartbeat? How is it possible for us to think about raising our arm and our legs don't raise instead? How come a poor woman can create a child with very little effort and science has great difficulties performing this task? Not to mention it's very expensive.

Where did the original molecules come from?, that created the next molecules and how were they assembled so precisely to even make a single cell animal? I'm not talking about a complicated insect or even a rodent and couldn't even fathom how a man and women were formed through this process.

How does the mind eat, breathe, talk, drink, move its arms and legs, all during the process of watching the television show, with very little conscious thought?

I've always found it hard to believe that there isn't something out there, even though it's mysterious and unexplainable. To an atheist this might sound far-fetched and stupid but can you answer these questions. I don't want to beat you up, but have you ever thought about them. Do you even want to know the answers?

Atheism without knowledge isn't any different than organized religion following books put together by men, that often are outdated and contradictory.

Overcoming Limited Beliefs

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting changing life skills.

Listen To Your Own Advice

Finding Something You Don't Like About Yourself - Creating Habits

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Missing Years Of Jesus

Changing Habits Can Change Your Life - Goal Setting

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Are you one of those skeptics that find these stories hard to believe. Do you think it's possible to create a life changing habit within 30 days? If you don't think it's possible, have you ever tried to change something about yourself you don't like.

If you haven't tried, how do you know it's impossible. If you have tried to create change in your life, did you quit, did you quit shortly after you started. This is often what most people do. They either quit before they start and never even get started, or they quit within a short period of time after they started. Usually these people have an excuse, most of the time their excuse is quite simply, it was harder than I thought.

Creating super habits in 30 days is possible and you don't have to be an over achiever to accomplish this goal. Creating these habits will require some effort on your part but the rewards most of the time are worth the effort.

I challenge you to change something about yourself you don't like within the next 30 days.

Go to the next step for more information.

Finding Something You Don't like about Yourself

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Goal Planning For Success

Saturday, May 23, 2009

2 Reasons Why to Let Go

Letting go is never easy! Many of us feel that letting go is a painful act. We are forced most of the time to let go against our will. This process of letting go can sometimes makes us bitter, or even angry at God.

So why do we have to let go?

First, God asks us to let go of things that is not good for our physical and spiritual health. Most of us sinners are holding the very things that will destroy us. We are like junkies who think drugs are good for us. We all have destructive addictions. It may be substance addiction like drugs or alcohol. It could be worldly addictions like sex, stuff or money. It can be fame and power which our egos are addicted to. Now there is nothing evil with them as it is. But to make them the center of our life, now that is a problem. Alcohol in itself is not a problem, being a drunkard is!

That being said, God as a Good Father does not like seeing His children destroying themselves. So He asks us to let go of this things. He asks us to let go of this destructive vices not to be a "kill joy" but because He is a "give joy". God is not a dictator but a loving Father.

A drug addict is not a picture of a human being fully alive. He is a picture of a slave. Saint Irenaeus said "The Glory of God is a man fully alive."

God wants us to let go because He wants us to be free for our sinful addictions that would lead to our destruction, in this life and in the next. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free" - Galatians 5:1

Jesus said "What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, would give him a snake instead of the fish?" Most of us are holding a snake and we do not know it. The Father is asking us to let go of the snake so He can give the fish.

Second reason, He wants to give us something/someone better. Sometimes we cling to good thing for too long. This is a lot harder than the first. We often ask God why he would want us to let go of something good. It is good right? We often say "Why can I keep it God?" or "What is wrong with you God? Why do you take all that is good in my life?"

We are like little children. There is a party waiting for us outside, and we do want to go out because we don't want to let go of the TV and the video game. And at the end of the day we missed out the joy of the party and the gifts that come along with it. All because we held on too long and did not let go.

I know letting go is not easy. I am a person who lost the house I am living in twice. I have let go of two jobs with much uncertainty about my finances. And I have to let go of a lot of good things which I have come to love through the years. Was it painful? Yes. Some of them has brought me tears. But looking back, everything I have to let go helped me to understand a lot about life and myself. The process of letting go continually makes me a better person.

It is painful to let go. But holding on to the wrong things or holding them for too long can make us miss life.

For more blogs by Daxx visit:

Walking Is A Six Sided Experience

When we walk, we move front to back, we move side to side and top to bottom as well. The whole body becomes aligned and the front body is as full as the back body, your legs are as rooted to the ground as your head is lifting up to the sky and your side body is involved because the arms are free to move in all planes. When we do that everything starts to flow much more easily. And energetically we start to find our way into the subtle body that exists for us all.

A carpenter finds a straight line to the earth by dropping a weighted string from a height. It falls straight down, with the flow of gravity. Imagine if your body lined up in that flowyour ears, shoulders, hips and ankles would all follow the plumb line of the body. Instead for most of us our calves fall backward, our thighs sink forward, our lower back overarches, our upper back rounds back and our head juts forward. What the FitzGordon Method does is align us with gravity, making it our ally instead of our nemesis

Lets look at a three-point plan you can use to begin to make your way into gravitys flow:

Imagine a string is pulling you up from the back of the neck. It is important to initiate all lengthening movements from the back of the body. The chin should lower and the throat should soften when this string pulls you up.

Another string is pulling you backwards from the base of the rib cage. Try breathing into your back ribs as you walk. Imagine that you are walking backwards as much as forwards, balancing all sides of the body.

Always keep your legs equally underneath you. The back leg should be as far back as the front leg is forward. If the right leg steps forward one foot in front of the pelvis, the left leg should be one foot behind it.

Jonathan FitzGordon is the creator of the FitzGordon Method Core Walking Program. You can find more information at or visit his blog at

Jonathan has been practicing yoga since 1995 and has been teaching since 2000, having studied with some of the yoga community's leading teachers. In addition he is a Level II Reiki (healing art) practitioner.

The FitzGordon Method is uniquely influenced by the Universal Principles of Alignment as created by John Friend of Anusara Yoga. The program synthesizes years of inquiry and practice and was born out of FitzGordon's personal and professional experience with changing neuromuscular patterning through self-awareness and repetition. The program's philosophy rests on the rock solid belief in our ability to change and evolve as we age.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking - Video

The Power of Positive Thinking Has Changed Millions of People's Lives. If You've Never Heard of the Book, I Suggest That You Watch This Video to Get a Little More Insight on How You Can Change Your Thinking and This Could Lead to Changing Your Life.

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Amazing Sai Baba
Magical Numbers

Five Success Quotes For Instant Motivation

Getting motivated can be one of the toughest things that we have to deal with as people. Sometimes, it can be extremely difficult to get the motivation to get up and take care of our responsibilities. Still, there are ways to inspire and motivate ourselves quickly so that we gain the boost of energy that we need to accomplish things. Reading inspiring quotes is one of my favorite ways to get motivated and get moving.

A good motivational or inspirational quote can really capture a feeling or an idea in such a special, concise way; this is why reading them is one of the quickest ways to instantly change our mindsets and gain a feeling of motivation.

I have found that if I find the right quote that has a lot of meaning for me, and the quote quickly and consistently changes my mood and gets me motivated, I can use the quote to give me a boost of motivation whenever it is necessary. I do this by memorizing and repeating the quote to myself at times when I am not feeling inspired to complete a project or task, or when I am just in a lazy or tired state. Once I repeat the quote to myself a few times, and focus on the idea that the quote embodies, I feel an instant jolt of motivation that is enough to get me going and help me accomplish what I need to.

The five following quotes are some of the most powerful and motivating quotes that I have ever come across. I repeat them to myself to get instant motivation, and I have found that they help me immensely. Hopefully, they can do the same for you. The quotes are:

"Success is a result of consistent and persistent action in a single direction."

"Let us train ourselves to desire what the situation demands."

"Success is a journey, not a destination."

" Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to do the things you want to do whenever you want to do them!"

"Do it now, because one day you'll either be saying I wish I had or I'm glad I did!"

These five quotes have been instrumental in helping me to motivate myself quickly and easily and accomplish the things I need to get finished. They are great for encompassing the idea and the feeling that working hard and staying focused will pay off and eventually be rewarding. They help me to focus on the positive part of working, which is personal pride, satisfaction, and gain, rather than the negative parts of work. Almost nothing has worked so consistently to keep me motivated.

Whether you enjoyed my quotes or not, I definitely recommend getting a little list of inspiring quotes together to anyone who needs to stay focused and motivated on a regular basis. Reading inspiring and motivating quotes can give you the boost you need to change your life! is the number one source for free inspirational quotes delivered daily. Visit the site and join the free daily quotes email list to enjoy the powerful benefits that inspiring quotes can give you!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Motivation For a Successful Fitness Plan

They key to any successful fitness plan is motivation. Being able to keep up with your plan and stick to it day in and day out is what will ultimately define your results. Consistency is the key, though at times, this can be a difficult task. Over the years I have helped thousands of people get healthy for fitness, weight loss or beauty purposes and I have found that everybody has their own unique way of staying motivated. So I have decided to compile a list of all of the top motivational habits used by my most successful clients that you can try to help ensure everlasting motivation and positive results!

Reward yourself: Positive reinforcement can be a very positive effect. It is always nice to acknowledge your hard work so treat yourself to something sinfully delicious at the end of the week for your good behaviour.

Find yourself a workout partner: Having someone there to support you in your journey is always helpful. We all have out bad days but the odds of two people having a bad day on the same day is rare so feed off of each others energy and push each other to do more.

Only weigh yourself once a week: It is natural for the body to fluctuate in weight from day to day and this can be discouraging at times. Generally, if you are following your fitness plan religiously, you should notice a significant difference at the end of each week. This will seem more rewarding and save a lot of stress.

Do an exercise class: The energy in the music and the instructor alone should be motivating enough. Combine that with a room full of people that are just like you and you have the perfect recipe for a great workout!

Plan an upcoming day at the beach: Having an event or purpose to look your best is always a great motivator. If you plan a swim date or vacation every so often it should help to keep you on your toes and focussed on your fitness plan at all times.

Load up your ipod: Having your favourite music handy is a great way to help pass the time by. If you can get lost in the music it should help those minutes just fly by on the cardio machines.

Keep an old pair of pants around that don't fit anymore: This is a common favorite motivational tactic and one that I also use frequently. Fitting into old clothes is always rewarding, so get yourself a pair of nice jeans in a size that you would like to wear. Try them on every so often and see how they are fitting. The better you stick to your fitness program, the better they will fit!

Marc Lavender - Personal Trainer

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Video Clips on the the Secret Movie

the Movie the Secret Was a Big Success, Watch Some Clips from the Oprah Winfrey Show on This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Video Clips on the the Secret Movie

the Movie the Secret Was a Big Success, Watch Some Clips from the Oprah Winfrey Show on This Video

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Hope In Religion

How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence

You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and in your daily life that always appear to be self confident and on top of world.

Everything seems to go right for these people and they
always seem to present themselves as calm,
collected and successful in everything they do.

If you are paying attention you have probably noticed that
these self confident people usually are successful in every
area of their lives.

Is this because they are smarter? Or is it because they
have more money? Maybe they are just lucky?

The reality is that none of these things are necessarily
true. Self confident people understand the impact of
believing in themselves and relying on their abilities.

This confidence ultimately creates opportunities for
success and with each new success another self
confidence building block is put into place. Success
builds upon success reinforcing self confidence with each
new achievement.

Self confident people perceive themselves as able to
achieve those things they set out to do and this perception
creates reality in their lives.

Yes, perception creates reality. You can become the person
you want to be. You have heard it said that if you can
believe it you can achieve it.

So start believing in yourself, acting on that belief and
you will start building self confidence in your life.

Here are some helpful tips to build self confidence one
success at a time.

1. Make a list of your strong points.

All the positive things about yourself and the things that
you are good at doing. Think of compliments you have
received or things that come easily to you. It doesn't
matter what it is, if it's good, write it down.

2. Choose two of those things that you want to work on to
improve even more.

It's important to succeed and by concentrating on the areas
you are already good at you will have a better chance of
becoming even more sure of yourself. Remember that success
builds upon success.

3. Exude confidence even if you don't feel like it.

Talk to yourself in an encouraging way and stay away from
negative thoughts and people as you can.

Instead surround yourself with positive, confident, and
successful people. This will become a habit and one that
will build confidence.

4. Look at yourself in a different way than you are used to

It can change your life and help your confidence level to
rise. See yourself as the self confident person you want to
be and before you know it you will become that person.

If you have a set-back do not let it get the best of you.
Remember the times when you exhibited self confidence and
how good it felt and then try again and each time will help
you to build confidence and confidence building will become
a way of life.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report:10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. This report reveals the secret strategies all high achievers use to communicate with charm and impact. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Secret Law of Attraction - A Guide to Wealth Management

What is the secret? And why is this concept not universally accepted in the Law of Attraction? The so called secret should be exposed loudly and globally! In society today, we need to know this secret so that we can attract and create an abundant, productive and happy life. Knowledge is power, and understanding the Secret Law of Attraction will give you the power you need to manifest all the desires that you dream about thus creating wealth in your life. And wealth is not just money; it is anything that you place great value on!

By my definition, the Law of Attraction is real technical so hang in there with me. It is a physical force that draws things of likeness to the object it is like. So, you draw things to your life that are like you or, what you think you like. An easy example of this theory is the magnet. We know that magnets are two like forces that are attracted to each other, right? Ok so here is the secret, your thoughts are your magnets. Your thoughts can not be seen, touched or physically felt, so you can safely assume they too are forces or in better terms-energy. And what you are thinking about is exactly what you are attracting like a magnet to you. So, what types of wealth have you attracted into your life with your thoughts?

When you look around at the things that you have created for your life, what do you see? Is there a beat up old blue Chevy in the drive on its last leg and all you can "think" about all the time is, "I can't afford a new car.' Are you in a job you hate and all you think about is, "God, I hate this job." Or even worse, do you find yourself thinking, "I'll never be able to make money" or "I can't do that" and your not and you don't! Is your life about how someone else thinks? No, your life is about your wealth of thoughts. There really is no secret here, your life is exactly what you think about and believe. So how do we change what we think about and really believe it?

Well, there in lies the problem with thoughts and beliefs. To keep it simple, you have to understand that the conscious mind is your mental awareness or where your thoughts and thinking is occurring. Your subconscious mind holds the beliefs of your thoughts. So if you are told by a parent as a child growing up that you are no good, chances are as an adult you will believe 100% that you are no good. It is often quite difficult if not impossible to change lifelong beliefs and thoughts. The conscious mind which is probably full of fear magnets, anxious magnets, worry magnets, or stress magnets will not easily tell the subconscious mind that life is great. Or that, I'm ok and there is nothing to fear, worry or be stressed out and angry over. I know this is starting to read like a course in psychology; it's not, it's just the basics to help you understand. Half the battle here is realizing YOU have the control, no one else does.

No one else is responsible for what you are thinking and feeling. You have to start positive thinking right here and right now! Yes, I know, how in the heck do you do that when your life is a bowl of pits right now! There are several ways to accomplish this, all of which are not costly or difficult to do.

The first and most critical step is to make the commitment to yourself to learn how to start thinking positive without expecting an immediate result. Next, take responsibility for your thoughts and beliefs. Do you believe everything that you are told? No, you take what you need and throw the rest out. So you have to understand that you need to trust yourself. You own your thoughts, so you can change them.

Next, try and catch your negative thoughts as they occur and change them into happy thoughts for a just for moment. Continue with this while looking online or in the library to find motivational literature. Quotes are a great resource for positive affirmations and would be a great place to start. I also know just reading positive material while trying to stop negative thoughts will not change you or do enough to transform wealth into your life.

You won't just wake up one day and say, "Ok, I read a great quote, I am alright now". No matter how hard you might try to shove positive literature down your throat, it won't change what you believe and it certainly won't change your odds with the Law of Attraction. This is where the very short psychology lesson fits into my point. There is a very easy process for your conscious mind to tell your sub conscious mind that everything is ok and in fact, it's fantastic! This process is behavior modification. By telling your subconscious mind or your belief system that everything is perfect and wealth is at your disposal, you will change the net result of the Law of Attraction. Things will begin to appear in your life that you have always dreamed about. You can use behavior modification to transform any problem area in your life. You can achieve financial abundance, quit smoking, create self-esteem, loose weight, get organized, end procrastination, and create the warm loving relationship that you have always dreamed about and so much more. Behavior modification will be the "icing on the cake" that will set the wheels in motion for a wealthy life. This process allows you to utilize the Law of Attraction in a very beneficial way! I like to think of it as wealth management.

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that does not discriminate on who it does and does not affect. There is no secret here. It is a never ending force that you have complete access to through the control of your thoughts and beliefs. If you choose to believe that life is what it is, and there is nothing you can do, then that is what you will attract-nothing. If you make a commitment to yourself through conscious awareness and positive affirmations, along with behavior modification, you will start to see positive wonderful things appear in your life. Whatever your definition of wealth might be, it will now start to appear. So I ask you, what do you have to loose at this point by trying to change what you think about? Make the commitment to yourself and utilize the Law of Attraction to your advantage. Wealth management is only a thought away!

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Self Improvement and Overcoming Frustration

We all suffer from frustration, and being able to effectively deal with frustration is very important for self improvement. It can be a decisive factor between success and failure.

Frustration can have highly damaging impact on our frame of mind. It can turn a positive person into a negative person. It can inhibit our progress and, in the most extreme cases can completely immobilise us. We can become so wound up with our frustration that we cant think or act rationally, or we can even become aggressive. Our frustration can often exacerbate the situation and create a vicious circle. If we are convinced that our actions are not working, no matter how hard we try, we are much more likely to reduce, rather than increase, our chances of success.

There are countless causes of frustration, and what affects one person may have no impact on someone else

There are no simple answers or remedies. Some people simply give up on what they were trying to achieve. Some people walk away from the cause and go onto something else, and find they can then face the problem rationally when they come back to it. Stepping back from the cause of the frustration and making yourself calm down will help us to see things more clearly.

Persistence and determination can often see us through our frustration, particularly if we first make ourselves calm down. Movement can help - standing up and taking a few deep breathes, or going for a walk can help to clear our minds. Sometimes we may need to look for alternatives we hadnt considered before, or totally different approaches. There are times when we may be out of our depth, in which case we need to recognise this, and be prepared to ask for advice and support from specialists that can help us.

All successful people have to deal with plenty of frustration as they progress towards their goals, this may even be one of the biggest reasons for their success. Their frustration with their poor results or lack of success may have been so great they were driven to set goals and inspired to work hard at achieving them. They almost certainly learned strategies and techniques to deal with their frustrations, which allowed them to overcome their problems and be more productive, which definitely contributed to their success.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

About The Author Garry Zancanaro is the creator of a collection of outstanding and life changing Success and Personal Development Resources, and the founder of where you can claim a FREE copy of THINK AND GROW RICH.

Stopped Losing Your Car Keys

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Essential Oils Did Jesus and His Disciples Use For Anointing?

Very good question! We actually don't know which oils Jesus and his disciples specifically used-but this we do know-they were not using their cooking oils or their lamp oils to anoint for healing. In other words-they were not anointing with olive oil alone. More than likely they were using a healing oil which may have been within a carrier oil such as olive.

What Essential Oils Were Available and Used in Biblical Times?

The Bible actually refers to thirty-five different botanical plants by name. Some were used primarily for incense but many others were crudely distilled by several different methods and used for healing the body. They were rubbed or smeared on the body, poured on the body or may have been sprinkled on the body.

The more popular oils that would have been commonly available at the time of Jesus include myrrh, frankincense, balsam, sandalwood (called aloes at that time-no relation to aloe vera), cypress, hyssop, spikenard, cinnamon, cassia, calamus among others. These would have constituted their "medicine cabinet" much like we might have aspirin and other remedies in our medicine chest.

Since these oils were just as expensive in Biblical times as they are now, how do you suppose Jesus and his disciples were able to afford them? The early Christian writings give us some insight-"The women saw to the needs of the ministry." You might interpret this as the women seeing to the disciple's physical needs like cooking and providing a place for the disciples to stay. Or as this writer feels-they made sure all the disciples had these expensive anointing oils for the ministry.

Want to know more about anointing with healing oils? The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches classes throughout the United States on both aromatherapy and energy (spiritual) healing.

I'd like to invite you to explore our educational offerings. When you go to my site I will have a BONUS GIFT for you--a sample of our work.

You will receive free instant access to a Special Report on Five Biblical Oils when you subscribe to my free short ezine newsletter on energy healing and aromatherapy. You can get your free access immediately by clicking on

From Linda L. Smith, Director of the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy, a national program in Christian healing.

Stormie Omartian

Ghosts Subjected To Research

The term ghost' generically refers to various types of subtle (invisible) bodies such as demons, devils, witches, etc. who have the intention of harming others. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts in order to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the adverse effects caused by ghosts through proven methodology according to the Spiritual science.

Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) though neither visible to the gross eye, nor perceived by the other sense organs, mind and intellect are factors that affect all mankind. The manifestations of distress due to ghosts can be from a person displaying uncharacteristic behaviour to erratic display of violence, addictions, various physical and psychological illnesses, family problems, business problems, etc.

1. Ghost characteristics

  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) are subtle (invisible) bodies
  • Ghosts belong to the nether region or one of the seven regions of hell but are found on Earth region too
  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) do not exist in the positive planes of the universe i.e. heaven
  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol (things that they can only experience through a physical body), revenge, etc
  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans
  • The general aim of ghosts is spreading unrighteousness and consequent turbulent havoc in society

2. Who can become a ghost?

People who have died with unfulfilled desires, personality defects, negative impressions in the mind, high ego, who have harmed others and/or have the basic nature of harming others. Most importantly people who have not done spiritual practice according to the basic principles of Spirituality while alive are likely to become ghosts in their afterlife.

3. What is the meaning of being affected by ghosts?

Being affected by ghosts (demons, devils, spirits, etc.) is when the physical, mental, intellectual or spiritual functioning of a person or any combination thereof is affected or altered by the ghosts entirely through the use of ghosts black energy without direct intervention by the ghosts. Consequently, there is no direct controlling of the mind and intellect of the affected person.

However the ghost affects that aspect of the person, which is most conducive to achieving its objective; either of troubling that person, fulfilling its own desire, or preventing spiritual practice, etc.

4. What is demonic possession?

Demonic possession is when ghosts (demons, devils, spirits, etc.) control the mind (emotions, thoughts) and intellect (decision making ability) of a person. As a result, they also control the persons actions.
In a possession, ghost (demon, devil, spirit) is actively involved in controlling the mind and intellect as a means to harm the person. In almost all cases, the person possessed does not know that he/she is possessed, until it manifests in a dramatic way as shown in the Hollywood movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

5. Spiritual strength wins
In the subtle realms of our existence, spiritual strength is the most important currency. Out of the person targeted for attack and the attacking ghost, whoever is spiritually stronger wins. If the ghost has more spiritual strength than the person to be attacked, then the ghost can affect or possess the person at will. If a person has a higher spiritual level, his defense against a ghost attack is stronger as a result of his own spiritual strength accrued with spiritual practice, and consequently the protection that he/she receives from God is also higher.

6. Solution

Initiate one's spiritual practice and maintain its regularity so as to build protection from ghost attacks.

Louis Braille

The Way from Science to Soul - Book Review

Using quantum physics to illuminate the spiritual journey? The author does just this in the book, The Way from Science to Soul: Integrating Physics, the Brain, and the Spiritual Journey, by Casey Blood, PH.D. But, why would you do such a thing? Why mix science and soul, quantum mechanics with spirituality? Dr. Casey Blood is a Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University, so if he wants to do this, I suppose he is qualified to. I'm not a scientist, so what do I know? A little something about spirituality at least.

Physics is the study of the physical universe, and one wouldnt expect to learn about the spiritual side of life, or the nonphysical universe when reading about it. However, Dr. Blood begins our education on this matter with an in-depth coverage of physics and quantum mechanics, the brain (including the synapse), and how these all pull together so that we can either see the spiritual side, or choose not to. The point of it is that there are several versions of reality to perceive while we choose to only see one; the existence of the soul can not be disproved, nor proven by science. So how does the nonphysical soul interact with the physical world? The soul can perceive the physical brain and through this, perceive the world. But, the physical world is not the only plane to be aware of. The soul can exist on many planes, the physical, the angelic plane, which is closest to the source of all, and the jinn plane, which is where our souls can communicate with other souls. Dr. Blood explains that our souls journey is much longer than that of our earthly existence, and that we have time to spend on each plane.

Dr. Blood describes spiritual practices which help us to remember that we are a nonphysical soul that has a physical body. These practices include meditation, yoga, focus on breathing, using retreats and finding teachers to help us. These practices though, are not the end goal. Our personality and contribution to society is important too. Dr. Blood states that we need to develop certain qualities like insight, compassion, friendship and wisdom and gives guidance on how to do so.

I was a little worried when I was asked to review this book. However, Dr. Blood takes a very complex topic and relates it to the average reader in a carefully chosen tone of support. The interest in spirituality is growing in leaps and bounds so that this connection to quantum physics will surely have a target audience, but, is still something of interest to the masses. The book is not an easy read, but it is worthwhile to wrap your physical mind around it for a time. Your spiritual mind will thank you.

The Way from Science to Soul

by Casey Blood PH.D.

ISBN: 978-0-9797888-8-8

Review by Heather Froeschl

Heather Froeschl is an author, award winning editor, and book reviewer, at and

Viktor Frankl