What is the secret? And why is this concept not universally accepted in the Law of Attraction? The so called secret should be exposed loudly and globally! In society today, we need to know this secret so that we can attract and create an abundant, productive and happy life. Knowledge is power, and understanding the Secret Law of Attraction will give you the power you need to manifest all the desires that you dream about thus creating wealth in your life. And wealth is not just money; it is anything that you place great value on!
By my definition, the Law of Attraction is real technical so hang in there with me. It is a physical force that draws things of likeness to the object it is like. So, you draw things to your life that are like you or, what you think you like. An easy example of this theory is the magnet. We know that magnets are two like forces that are attracted to each other, right? Ok so here is the secret, your thoughts are your magnets. Your thoughts can not be seen, touched or physically felt, so you can safely assume they too are forces or in better terms-energy. And what you are thinking about is exactly what you are attracting like a magnet to you. So, what types of wealth have you attracted into your life with your thoughts?
When you look around at the things that you have created for your life, what do you see? Is there a beat up old blue Chevy in the drive on its last leg and all you can "think" about all the time is, "I can't afford a new car.' Are you in a job you hate and all you think about is, "God, I hate this job." Or even worse, do you find yourself thinking, "I'll never be able to make money" or "I can't do that" and your not and you don't! Is your life about how someone else thinks? No, your life is about your wealth of thoughts. There really is no secret here, your life is exactly what you think about and believe. So how do we change what we think about and really believe it?
Well, there in lies the problem with thoughts and beliefs. To keep it simple, you have to understand that the conscious mind is your mental awareness or where your thoughts and thinking is occurring. Your subconscious mind holds the beliefs of your thoughts. So if you are told by a parent as a child growing up that you are no good, chances are as an adult you will believe 100% that you are no good. It is often quite difficult if not impossible to change lifelong beliefs and thoughts. The conscious mind which is probably full of fear magnets, anxious magnets, worry magnets, or stress magnets will not easily tell the subconscious mind that life is great. Or that, I'm ok and there is nothing to fear, worry or be stressed out and angry over. I know this is starting to read like a course in psychology; it's not, it's just the basics to help you understand. Half the battle here is realizing YOU have the control, no one else does.
No one else is responsible for what you are thinking and feeling. You have to start positive thinking right here and right now! Yes, I know, how in the heck do you do that when your life is a bowl of pits right now! There are several ways to accomplish this, all of which are not costly or difficult to do.
The first and most critical step is to make the commitment to yourself to learn how to start thinking positive without expecting an immediate result. Next, take responsibility for your thoughts and beliefs. Do you believe everything that you are told? No, you take what you need and throw the rest out. So you have to understand that you need to trust yourself. You own your thoughts, so you can change them.
Next, try and catch your negative thoughts as they occur and change them into happy thoughts for a just for moment. Continue with this while looking online or in the library to find motivational literature. Quotes are a great resource for positive affirmations and would be a great place to start. I also know just reading positive material while trying to stop negative thoughts will not change you or do enough to transform wealth into your life.
You won't just wake up one day and say, "Ok, I read a great quote, I am alright now". No matter how hard you might try to shove positive literature down your throat, it won't change what you believe and it certainly won't change your odds with the Law of Attraction. This is where the very short psychology lesson fits into my point. There is a very easy process for your conscious mind to tell your sub conscious mind that everything is ok and in fact, it's fantastic! This process is behavior modification. By telling your subconscious mind or your belief system that everything is perfect and wealth is at your disposal, you will change the net result of the Law of Attraction. Things will begin to appear in your life that you have always dreamed about. You can use behavior modification to transform any problem area in your life. You can achieve financial abundance, quit smoking, create self-esteem, loose weight, get organized, end procrastination, and create the warm loving relationship that you have always dreamed about and so much more. Behavior modification will be the "icing on the cake" that will set the wheels in motion for a wealthy life. This process allows you to utilize the Law of Attraction in a very beneficial way! I like to think of it as wealth management.
The Law of Attraction is a universal law that does not discriminate on who it does and does not affect. There is no secret here. It is a never ending force that you have complete access to through the control of your thoughts and beliefs. If you choose to believe that life is what it is, and there is nothing you can do, then that is what you will attract-nothing. If you make a commitment to yourself through conscious awareness and positive affirmations, along with behavior modification, you will start to see positive wonderful things appear in your life. Whatever your definition of wealth might be, it will now start to appear. So I ask you, what do you have to loose at this point by trying to change what you think about? Make the commitment to yourself and utilize the Law of Attraction to your advantage. Wealth management is only a thought away!
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