Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Career Change - 4 Steps to Maintaining a Winning Attitude on Your Job

Your attitude is the way you feel about yourself, the way you look at the world, the way you show your mood to others, it's like a pair of glasses. It can make everything you see look sharper, more attractive or fuzzy, small, and unimportant.

Simply having a winning attitude won't keep you from ever having hard times, disappointments, or problems. But maintaining a positive attitude most of the time makes life easier and more rewarding.

1. Look at the facts. Don't ignore the negatives, but put the accent on the favorable ones.

2. Talk things over, with yourself and with others who can help. Putting thoughts and feelings into words helps make them much clearer. Checking with a neutral party can help determine if its' a problem you need you need to do something about by talking to someone or a problem that's your problem alone.

3. Think about your options. In every situation, there's always more than just one choice.

Choosing the one that benefits you makes it more likely you will be successful in the future.

4. Decide on the best approach for reaching your goal or solving your problem. Then do it! You won't always succeed at everything you try, but you can't win unless you play the game!

A positive attitude helps to make you a winner at home. It means having better relationships, higher energy levels, and greater problem-solving ability. A good attitude makes work more satisfying because you get more done when you have clear goals and believe in your own abilities to reach them. You become a valued co-worker and team member. People like being around you and want to cooperate with you. The day goes faster when you make the best of it instead of looking for faults, problems and obstacles.

Will a good attitude solve all your problems and make you rich, famous, good-looking and happy? No. But it's a good starting place.

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